Location: Nanaimo Curling Club - Upstairs
Dates: Thursday Evenings, January 13 th - February 24 th - 6 weeks of putting league with the final week
being a wrap up social
Times: 30 min time slots starting at 5:30 pm and last start time being 10 :00 pm
What to Expect:
5 Baskets at varying distances and types. You throw 5 putts at each basket, scoring points for each putt made. Basket points increase by difficulty (1 point for the closest basket, 2 points for next closest, etc).
You may shoot the baskets in any order, but have to complete all 5 baskets in the round before moving on to the next round. You will shoot 3 rounds per week (25 putts per round X3 rounds means 75 putts per week). It is highly recommended that you either have 5 putters, or you partner with someone so you have 5 putters between you, so you only have to retrieve your putters once per basket.
There are 3 divisions: Open/Advanced, Intermediate/Recreational, and Womens. The top putter in each division each week wins the weekly prize of a Glow Putter, and is entered into the yearend top prize of a disc golf basket.
Your top 4 weeks of the 6 week season are used to determine your overall ranking in the league. This league is part of the Dynamic Disc Marksman Putting League Series, which will be scored on UDisc, so you can see how our league compares to all the other Marksman Leagues running across North America.
A HUGE THANK YOU to both the Nanaimo Curling Club for allowing us to use their facilities for this league, and providing the ability to have beverage and food service on site, and to Tombstone Discs who have come on board as the Primary Sponsor, offering discounted discs for purchase, and putting up a $250 Gift Certificate if anyone is able to complete a perfect round.